“You ravage My heart, you ravage My heart,” declares the Lord. “You are not a disappointment. I am not disappointed in you. You are all I want. I died for you. I cried for you. I gave My body as an offering, for you. Your heart beat draws Me closer. Your love ignites My passion, You are My passion. Be still My little one. Be still and receive a fresh outpouring of My love.

“You are My passion. I am passionate for you. I am pouring out My love upon you right now, wave after wave, I pour Myself out on to you. Do not draw back. Do not withdraw because I am drawing closer to you. Closer than you have ever experienced. Closer than you believe you deserve. You deserve all of Me. I died for you. You are not disqualified. I have not disqualified you because I love you.

“Take heart, My beloved. My love is sufficient, and My love will drown out the enemy’s voice and destroy all of his accusations. He is a liar and I am Truth. I am the Truth that is setting you free, now. Lean into Me. Lean on My chest, My beloved. I am tender. I am kind. I am Love. Lean on Me and allow Me to carry you, removing all that weighs you down.”


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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