A few years ago, while working as a marketing director at a very outspokenly anti-Christian, liberal, and woke company, my high school intern knocked on my office door and asked, “Jonnathan, may I ask you a question confidently?” She had just started working with me the prior month, was only a junior in high school, and was the daughter of another employee.

“Absolutely,” I responded. “My door is always open for you. Ask me anything.”

My intern hesitantly asked, “You’re a man of faith, right Jonnathan?”

“Yes, I am,” I replied. “I’m a passionately devout Christian.”

“OK, great,” my young intern said. “Ummm, I think I’m a lesbian, and I wanted to ask you if you believe I will go to heaven. I also ask you if you believe that God is OK with homosexuality. Because if God is perfect and doesn’t make mistakes, my sexuality can’t be a mistake, right?”

I paused for a moment, knowing her question was sincere but also knowing that the enemy had plans to use my answer to get me fired. So I waited on the Holy Spirit before responding.

“That is a great question,” I replied. “An essential question many people in the world wrestle with. Yes, God is good and perfect. He doesn’t make mistakes, and His word states that you are perfectly and wonderfully made. But your question isn’t about God but more about flesh and blood. My opinion doesn’t matter in this instance, only God’s does. And I believe in God’s word as a Christian. I’m willing to bet that you’ve already searched the internet and Bible for all the reasons that may justify homosexuality, right?”

My intern nodded yes.

“OK, that’s great,” I responded lovingly. “My challenge to you is to now search the internet, especially the Bible, for the opposite stance. Search all the reasons homosexuality isn’t OK. Then, pray to the Lord and ask Him to reveal His truth into your heart, while giving you understanding.”

“OK, I can do that. Thank you so much, Jonnathan,” she replied before leaving my office.

The following day, she returned to my office and knocked again, asking me if I had a moment to hear about her research.

“Good morning,” I replied. “Of course I have time. Come in and share with me what you’ve discovered.”

“I prayed and researched, and homosexuality is 100% not OK according to the Bible,” she said with tears. “I can’t believe how many resources I found online that lied to me. I want to follow Jesus, and I do not want to be a lesbian. Thank you for leading to the truth. Will you pray for me, please? I don’t want to have these desires if God never intended it.”

We prayed while holding hands from across my desk, and she repented for her desires and actions and received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.


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