What does winning the electoral and popular votes mean to America and the world?

Here are 25 truths about this election:

  1. America wants to be great, strong, and powerful.
  2. Americans want to be put first in our own nation by their own government.
  3. America wants its men strong and doesn’t believe masculinity is toxic.
  4. America believes in securing our borders, especially our southern border.
  5. America wants to pay less for groceries.
  6. America believes that men and boys must remain out of women’s and girls’ sports.
  7. America believes that their needs should be before the needs of illegal undocumented immigrants.
  8. The free world wants a strong America.
  9. America believes that we shouldn’t empower and fund Iran and its evil proxies.
  10. America wants to be energy-independent again.
  11. America wants to pay less for energy.
  12. America doesn’t want to be forced to buy electric cars.
  13. America still wants freedom of speech.
  14. American citizens want leaders who serve them.
  15. America wants the right to bear arms.
  16. America wants peace in the Middle East.
  17. America wants less government interference in our lives.
  18. America hates wokeness.
  19. America hates critical race theory.
  20. America wants the sexualization of our children in schools and entertainment to stop.
  21. America wants freedom of religion.
  22. America distrusts big media and Hollywood.
  23. Prayers work.
  24. Voting works.
  25. America is still one nation under God, and Jesus is still King and still reigns over America.

#jesus #JesusIsLord #jesussaves #maga #fightfightfight #drillbabydrill #closetheborder #savewomenssports #Trump2024 #TrumpVance2024 #economy #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #energyindependence #election


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