Last year, while Olivia and I were enjoying a nice meal we encountered Alexandra (Alex), a very energetic and friendly waitress. Alex had a raspy voice, and the Lord released a word of knowledge. “You’re a singer,” I said. “You had a desire to be a professional singer.” Shocked, Alex said, “Yes, I did. But I had an injury to my vocal cords years ago which required surgery and I lost much of my vocal range and my voice now crackles and her doctors said that I will never regain my full vocal range and may never lose the crackle in my voice when I sing.” With that information, Olivia and I introduced ourselves and told her that we were local pastors who have seen God do the miraculous. We began to share testimony after testimony of miracles we personally witnessed and asked if we could pray for her. She agreed. We prayed, she teared up and we enjoyed our meal.

A few months later, we visited the same restaurant, and she spotted us and ran up to greet us. She said, “My vocal range is coming back! But my voice still crackles.” Again, we offered to pray. This scene repeated itself two or three more times, with each visit. This week, we had dinner with our friends Michelle and Curtis and she came up to our table, all smiles, and joyful as normal, only this time, she shared that the crackling in her voice was almost completely gone, so much so that she was willing to give us a sample of her voice for the first time and it was so beautiful.

God is restoring voices. Not just singing voices but voices which became silent because of pain, trauma, and abuse. God is no respecter of person and is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is inviting you to step out, lay hands on the sick, and heal them. If you’ve lost your voice in the natural or emotionally, put your hand on your throat and declare, “Lord, You are restoring voices and I declare that my voice has been restored.”


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