“The spoils of the war are yours,” declares the Lord. “The battle-weary will find rest and be restored. The season of repayment is upon my faithful—those who stood immovable, like a fortress, when the enemy came to devour. You are called. Yes, you are called by Me to do My work. The great harvest is upon us. Where are my harvesters? The sun has risen upon a new season. Do you perceive it? The morning dew will water my crops, like sweet nectar from my throne room, the dew will draw those who thirst to Me.

Drink! Drink! Drink! Restoration is upon you. Drink and be quenched. There is fresh oil, golden, raw, and pure, filling your vats until they overflow. When the oil flows, the wise will gather more vats and I will fill them. The golden harvest is upon us.”


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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