We are in a catalyst moment, a kairos time where believers are being pulled back in a slingshot and set aflight, where the sheep reveal that they are lions. We need to arise and reveal that we are lions.

The wolves who have been hunting us down will suddenly come face-to-face with the lions.

This season, the prey will become the predators.

“You are not the prey,” declares the Lord. “It’s time to flip the storyline and become the lions who chase down the things that have been preying on you.”

How do we do this? We do it prophetically, corporately, in unity, with worship, through praying, laying hands on one another, by intercession, with deliverance … being intentional about doing the things of God.

In this season, we must arise and transform from a flock of sheep into a pride of lions.

The lions know that they are predators in the wild, and the other animals know that they are prey. We need to stop running and roar, ushering in the new season.


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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