Earlier this year, while attending a midweek church service, our friends Robin and Brian introduced the church to Jennilee Mire, Robin’s younger sister. Jennilee asked if the church would pray for Madelyn, her baby, who was in a dire state, being born prematurely at just 23 weeks into the pregnancy, and only weighed 1.2 pounds at that time. The church united in prayer. After prayer, Brian turned to me and said, “Jonnathan, do you have anything to add?” Not knowing much about babies and especially preemies, I leaned into the Lord and heard the Lord say, “Watch her lungs. Once her lungs strengthen, she will too.” So I turned to Brian and Robin’s sister and said, “Yes, actually, I do have something,” and prayed for new lungs.

Apparently, preemies are known to have weak, underdeveloped lungs. This baby was on a specialized ventilator with Respiratory Distress syndrome and one slightly collapsed lung, among many other life-threatening diagnoses. After prayer concluded, Robin’s sister approached me during worship and said that she received the prayer and believed her daughter was going to be okay, despite the dire state she was currently in. The very next day, we got word that she would be coming off the oscillating ventilator and moving to a more traditional one because her lungs were looking better!

Fast forward, Robin’s niece made a miraculous recovery, breaking records and hitting milestones weeks and months before her doctors’ expected or projected. In the following weeks, her lungs developed faster than anyone anticipated, and she was breathing on her own just a couple of weeks later at only 25 weeks gestational, which is almost unheard of. The doctors and nurses referred to her as a miracle baby. A few months later, she was discharged early from the hospital and is a fully healthy baby.

#miracle #miraclebaby #healing #preemie #jesuschrist #jesusheals


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