While in worship yesterday morning, I saw a vision of a woman lying down, appearing dead but asleep. Then I saw the lips of the King kissing His bride, breathing into her mouth a fresh breath, reviving her.

Then I heard the Lord declare:

“I am still the Lord your God. I am exchanging the kiss of betrayal with the kiss of revival. I am reviving My bride to her true splendor. Restoring her to her throne. Arise, My bride, arise! Receive the kisses from My lips, the fresh outpouring of My breath. Let My kiss and breath revive you and remind you of who you are. You are My bride. You are mine. Arise, My beloved bride, and serve My people. Arise and reign. I have written a love song for you.”

Immediately, this scripture came to mind:

Song of Songs 1:2-3 TPT
Let him smother me with kisses — his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing — over and over poured out. For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.”


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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