Earlier this year, a newer member brought her twenty-something-year-old daughter to visit God Manifest for the first time. The member shared with us privately that it took a little convincing for her to agree to come. The daughter entered our sanctuary with a huge smile, was highly engaging, and looked happy. After greetings, we started the service, and our church went about our business, worshiping the Lord in song and studying His scripture before gathering around God’s beautiful presence. As the service concluded, I repeatedly felt a tug on my heart to address this young woman. I fought it multiple times, worried I would scare her with a prophetic word. Eventually, as we closed the service, I looked at her and called her by name. She looked up with a massive smile before I delivered a prophetic word to her. She instantly burst into tears. As she sobbed, the church consoled her. Eventually, she looked up through tears and asked, “Pastor, may I share something with the church?” I responded, “Of course.” After composing herself, she said, “I needed to share that I was planning on killing myself today after service. Life has been really hard recently, and I had a terrible breakup with my boyfriend a few days ago. I couldn’t see any hope or reason to live. Just before pastor Jonnathan called my name, I lowered my head and said to God, ‘I’m done. If I don’t hear from you today in this service, I am killing myself.’ Then, as I finished that internal cry for help, Jonnathan looked at me, smiled, called me by name, and delivered a prophetic word specific to my situation and heart. Thank you, Jonnathan, for being obedient to the Holy Spirit.” A few weeks later, we baptized this young woman as she rededicated her life to God, professing with her lips that Jesus was her Lord and Savior and believing in her heart that He was God.

Often, the smallest acts of scary obedience crush and destroy the enemy’s works.

Remember, the smallest seeds produce the largest trees in God’s kingdom.

#suicide #godloves


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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