During our New Year’s Eve service at God Manifest, I heard the Lord say, “The United States will see My glory once more. The United States will see My glory once more. There is a pour-out coming upon Washington, DC. There is a pour-out happening upon the Colorado mountains. Your leaders will know My power and My presence, and they will fall upon their faces. Knees will bend, and heads will bow. I am coming upon your nation, and I am starting in Washington, DC. In the U.S. Capitol, the leaders will start saying, ‘We were praying, and we saw the heavens open up.’ No doubt. No doubt. No doubt. There will be no doubt that I am with you. There will be no doubt that I am pouring out. There will be no doubt that I am with you.”


I heard the Lord say, “2024 is not what people are prophesying. It is not a year of famine. It is a year of Glory and Pour Out. It is not a year of famine! Do not fear; I am not bringing famine upon your land. I am bringing My Glory. Sweet honey, fresh wine, and fresh oil, I will pour upon your land.”


And I heard the Lord say, “I will light it all on fire. I will light it all on fire. 2023 was a year of shaking; 2024 is a year of burning. Who will burn for me, declares the Lord? Who will burn for me, declares the Lord? Who will burn for me and light the path for those in darkness, declares the Lord? Who will burn? Who will burn? Who will burn?”


I heard the Lord say, “The workers are waking up. The workers are waking up. The workers are few, but they are waking up in 2024. There is a movement of evangelism happening in the U.S. Look eastward. I am sending my prophets from the East to the U.S., and they are bringing a new message. Ukraine and Israel, their nations, will begin to pray for the salvation of the United States. I am still taking all things, and I am turning all things for good. I am still turning all things for good. The crooks in Ukraine who have stolen the money from the U.S. will return the funds double-fold. They will repay the U.S. for what they stole. For decades, the United States has sown into nations; 2024 is the repayment. Decades and decades, the United States has sown into nations; 2024 is the repayment. Those nations will turn around and pour into the United States.”


I heard the Lord say, “Do not forget South Korea. Do not forget South Korea. They are not a sun setting but a sun rising.”

I see the missionaries coming from Ukraine, South Korea, and Israel coming to the U.S. for the financial aid we were tricked into giving, but the Lord says, “I have watered those seeds, I have watered those seeds, I have watered those seeds, and they will reap a harvest in the United States. What you’ve sowed in secret will bloom this season. What you’ve sowed in secret will suddenly bloom this season. You have been sowing into a breakthrough for others, and they will bloom in your orchard. They will bloom in your fields.”


I heard the Lord say, “New shoes, new shoes.”

He is replacing the tattered, journey-worn shoes you have been wearing and replacing them with new shoes. But before He places them in your feet, He is washing your feet with His tears.


I heard the Lord say, “My bride, My bride, I wash your feet with My tears. My bride, My bride, I wash your feet with My tears. And I’ll wash your heart with My blood. I poured out My tears, sweat, and blood and washed you, My bride. Do not forsake the Bridegroom. Do not forget the Bridegroom. Do not forget your Bridegroom. Too many have turned away from Me. My bride, turn back. I have never left your side. Do not forget your Bridegroom.”


I heard the Lord say, “I am carving new rivers and filling them with fire, and they will flow to the cities that cry out for me. The fire will flow the opposite way to the cities on the hill. Rivers typically flow downhill; I am flowing My rivers uphill. Come up higher. The fire I am releasing will flow uphill in the rivers. Come up higher. I am flowing those rivers of fire uphill, and I will burn the mountaintops with My flames. 2024 is a summit season. Cities upon cities who unify and cry out for Me, I will saturate. And I will send out upon those cities saints to witness to other cities.”

APRIL 2024

Yesterday, as worship concluded, I heard the Lord say, “April 2024 will look rough, but do not be afraid. It’s the last of the smokescreen that the enemy started in 2020 to blind believers. Do not let the rough month scare you because starting in June 2024, it will all be glorious.”


I heard the Lord say, “In 2024, do not despise small beginnings. I am sowing something new. Embrace the process, blaze new trails, live righteously, honor wholeheartedly, and get ready to chart new territories! Behold, I am carving new rivers, moving old mountains, and planting a new harvest. There is much work to be done. Where are My workers? Arise! As the new year rises, you must move with haste.”

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