Since launching God Manifest in 2017, I have released prophetic words for the upcoming year, starting in December and ending in the first two months of each year.

From sharing prophetic words over the church to warnings about natural disasters to sharing things that were going to happen worldwide and in politics, the Lord speaks to His sheep to prepare us, encourage us, and rekindle our flames to pursue Him, our first love, seeking His face, hearing His voice, and doing as He instructs.  

Yesterday, I released our first prophetic word for 2025 immediately after worship, and the Lord continued to pour out at the conclusion of our church messages. I wanted to share the words the Lord spoke over His church yesterday. 

I heard the Lord say over 2025, “It’s going to be a whiteout. I am going to fall upon My church like snow…”

I saw the snow filling the inside and covering the outside of the church.

The Lord continued saying, “There will be amplification of My voice. People who have never heard Me will hear My voice audibly, and there will be an increase in hearing, seeing visions, dreaming dreams, and encounters throughout My body.

“You don’t have to strive or beg for Me to come. 

“Indisputable signs and wonders,” says the Lord. “Indisputable signs and wonders. I will awaken My church, My beloved bride will awaken, carrying fresh oil, fresh wine, and fresh living waters. My church will taste, see, and experience My full glory. And proclaim to the world, and those in dead religion, that I am alive and I reign above it all. Over life. Over death. Over My church. And, behold a new measure of glory, My glory, will flow from My throne room and into My church. Awaken. Arise. And shine, My beloved. Burn bright for Me. The bold and the fearless will take back what the enemy has stolen. Restoration!

“There are churches throughout the world who speak My name but do not know Me. But, because they are faithful to speak My name, I will show up. I am faithful and will show up and pour out My Spirit upon them with unusual and indisputable signs and wonders.

“My presence and My glory will flood My church.

“A lot of My people sit and contend for things… like pleading ‘Lord show up,’ but I say ‘No it will be easy… I want to be with you more than you want to be with Me.’

“If you let me fill your mouth, I will fill your congregation with My Spirit, declares the Lord. “I will fill your audience, even if it’s an audience of one.

“You’re going to see these things begin to happen from church to church, nation to nation. You’re going to see what My people call revival erupt… It will be Azusa Street on steroids, but it will highlight no man. It will be so powerful that nobody, no man, can stake claim to it. I am going to move in a way so no one can stake claim to it. I am Your good Father. You should expect Me, your Father, to answer when you call.”


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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