Last week, Olivia, Connor, and I made a house visit, going to pray for a man who was literally trapped within his own body because of deep witchcraft done to him. Two years ago, he suddenly lost his ability to speak and quickly lost all mobility in his entire body, leaving him mute and wheelchair-bound. This was the third time Olivia and I personally visited him and his family. At our last visit Ronda and Kendia joined us at the hospital he was admitted to. During that visit, Kendia led the man’s wife and daughter into the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of tongues, while we were in the hospital’s waiting room. Also, we prayed for his daughter’s back and it was completely healed. We prayed for the man and he was able to make small movements and sounds, which he wasn’t previously able to.

While visiting our friend last week, we offered prayer to three of his caretakers and a family friend. They all had various ailments, from arthritis in the hands, to carpal tunnel, bone spur on the foot, and neck, back, shoulder, knee, and hip pain. After prayer, all the caretakers and the friend were completely healed. Also, we prayed for our friend again, and he continued to make small improvements, making more movements and sounds which he wasn’t previously able to.

His name is Xavier (Javier). Please keep him and his family in your prayers..

JesusHeals #witchcraft #sorcery #santeria #santamuerte #freemasonry #blackmagic


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