This weekend, Richard Butler, a man, walked without a wheelchair for the first time after being wheelchair-bound for six years. This miracle happened while Olivia and I ministered at Christian Warriors Retreat (CWR) in Yorktown, Texas. Approximately 35 men attended. The first night we attended, I was invited to speak, and miracles signs and wonders broke out as the Holy Spirit showed up and showed off.

Here are some of the miracles that happened while we ministered:

  • Two legs grew out
  • Rotator cuff healed
  • Three knees healed
  • Two elbows healed
  • Shoulder healed
  • Four backs healed
  • Acid reflux healed
  • Toe & foot healed
  • Two heels healed
  • Thyroid nodule healed
  • Multiple rededication and salvation

The following day we learned that a man who didn’t come up to the altar had his right elbow and left knee healed. He would later share that he went for a run for the first time in five years that morning. Immediately after another man ministered, I was called into another room for emergency prayer. The man was a Vietnam Veteran and wheelchair-bound for six years. He was lying in his bunk, writhing in pain while a giant hernia protruded from his abdomen. The room was already filled with other men, and veterans as well. We all laid hands on him and repeatedly prayed to no avail. Suddenly, a man recalled his wife being healed after a woman who only spoke Spanish prayed for her. He randomly asked if there was a man in the room who spoke a different language. Looking around, I realized that the whole room was looking at me. I said, “I speak Chinese, but I have never prayed in Chinese.” The man instructed me to pray. I did as I was told. As soon as I started the painful palm-size bulge in his abdomen caused by the hernia retracted. The medical doctor who so happened to have his hand on him said that it happened so fast that his index finger was almost sucked in. After that healing, I added, “Lord, strengthen his legs and give him feeling back into his legs.”

I left the room and started visiting with the other vets. Then a man tapped me on my shoulder and said, “Jonnathan, I can’t believe it. Look at Richard.” I turned my head and was astonished by what I saw. Richard was standing and walking around the room. He said with tears in his eyes, “I have used my wheelchair for six years. I am pain-free, and my legs feel strong.” A few hours later, Richard was still walking around.

In addition to the healings listed, we also prayed for a man overcoming a stroke whose symptoms significantly got better and for a man to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire.

The retreat contacted me about 12 hours after the miracle. Richard, the man who rose from the wheelchair, removed his leg braces and is completely restored!

Today (May 2022), one year later, Richard is dancing the Texas two-step and shares his journey from being crippled to being completely restored all over Southern Texas. The doctors have confirmed his feet are both 100% restored.


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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