Last night, new church members at God Manifest reached out to us. They called and texted us, letting us know that their two-year-old son woke up yesterday morning and discovered that he couldn’t stand or walk. At the time of the call, they were at the Emergency Room, and the doctors had just completed a series of tests but could not find the cause of his mystery ailments. Upon receiving their text message, Olivia and I called them. We prayed for the boy, breaking all witchcraft and curses while also commanding any lame spirits and spirits of infirmity to leave the boy immediately. A few minutes after hanging up, the mother texted and said that, after the call, her boy suddenly stood up and ran across the room, fully restored! God is good, and the enemy is powerless against His blood and name.

Every believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit is called to do the things Christ had done and even greater (John 14:12). When you pray, you have the backing of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And have full confidence that anything you ask in His name will be done because He has already overcome the world (John 16:33).

#jesus #jesuslovesyou #jesuschrist #jesussaves #JesusIsLord #JesusHeals #testimony


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