Last year I released a prophetic word for 2021 called, “Red Sea Moments.” Many entered the waters of the Red Sea in 2021 and were suddenly content with the parted waters and stopped moving. This morning, I heard the Lord say clearly, “Keep moving. The fulfillment of my promise is where the sea ends. Keep moving and pass through the waters.”
For many, 2021 was a continuation of the confusion and chaos of 2020.
In the Bible, Pharaoh pursued the Israelites into the sea and the Lord closed the sea upon the enemy once the Israelites safely completed their journey THROUGH the sea.
Yesterday, the Lord instructed me to REFLECT in 2021. As I reflected, I thought about how I started the year jobless until July, because I was laid off at the end of 2020. I thought about the $5,000 catalytic converter stolen off of my truck last month and the slashed tire I received on my wife’s Jeep while on the highway, the day after the catalytic converter was stolen. Then I thought about each hardship, one by one. Then the Lord said, “You are looking at the wrong things.”
Suddenly, I saw Richard’s smiling face. Richard was the man who couldn’t walk for over 20 years and was wheelchair-bound for six years who God suddenly and completely healed. Next, I saw the woman, whose husband’s shoulder and heart was suddenly healed and whose family was completely restored. Then one by one, the Lord showed me miracle after miracle. The cognitive recalibration started to restore my perspective of 2021.
Did you know that despite being jobless from November 2020 through July 2021, our savings actually increased, despite my income decreasing by 80 percent? A miracle God facilitated through pausing our mortgage payments the entire unemployment and a few car payments. Also, in the midst of the “pandemic,” and lower than normal church attendance, our church giving increased, with most of the giving coming from internal giving through our physical church members for the first time in 4.5 years. Also, 2021 had doors open for Olivia and me to minister at different events and churches throughout Texas.
Keep moving. Despite the peace and relief, you may feel right now, you are still in the middle of the sea, the middle of a journey you are called to complete. Once you complete the journey THROUGH the sea, you will enter a SEAson of rest, peace, and restored hope and strength.
The spoils of the war are yours. But the spoils are only accessible at the end of your journey after the Lord closes the sea upon the enemy that has been pursuing you, stealing from you, causing fear and anxiety to consume you.
This is not a time to stop. It is time to continue the journey. Look to the right and left and pick up those who are weary from the journey. The end is near and the victory is yours.
Although the walls of roaring water brought you to comfort last SEAson, the sound of the walls crashing onto the enemy brings victory.
Blessings as you complete your journey.