Sunday night (night three) we concluded AWAKENING, the three-day revival and outreach in Graham, Texas. Holly Gray and Anna Rumpel powerfully and prophetically led worship each night and led worship Sunday morning. The last night ended with a woman’s deaf ear completely healing and opening and a man who had epilepsy and back pain completely delivered and healed of all symptoms. As many of you watched, night one and two were led by the dynamic leader Kris Kildosher, Sunday morning at Oasis of Grace was led by Austin Rumpel, and I was given the honor to close out the three-day revival. Olivia and I drove into the beautiful Graham, Texas, on Thursday night to connect with our spiritual family before the three-day revival and outreach started.

Friday night, night one of the revival was electric. Our friends, and fellow ministers, Brian and Robin Thompson stopped by Dairy Queen on their way to the meeting. At the restaurant, which was an unplanned detour from the route, Robin and Brian were praying about blessing someone. As they parked, a man pulled up directly next to them with a flat tire. Brian and Robin offered assistance. Upon learning that the man did not have a spare tire, they offered to pray for him. During prayer, the young man (24yo) was rocked, touched by power and love of God and delivered of some unGodly spiritual influences. Running late, they texted Olivia who responded, “Bring him! (to the meeting).” They did. Also, while ministering to him, the Thompsons learned that he was feeling completely hopeless and they saw an AK-47 with a belt of rounds wrapped around the front seat. The man confessed that he was planning to commit suicide that night. God had other plans! Mid-service, the man’s friend called and stated he was near Dairy Queen to pick him up. The man told Brian that he needed to leave. As they both walked to Brian’s vehicle, they caught Kris’s attention, who paused from his preaching that moment. “Is there a bathroom in there guys?” Kris says on the microphone pointing to the building behind the tent and proceeded to ask the guy’s name. Kris told the man, “Today is a special day for you. The Lord loves you. You’ve got to bury your old life.” A few moments later Kris points to the baptismal and suggests the man gets baptized and repeats that he needs to bury his old life. The two men walk back into the tent and Kris asks Austin and Brian to baptize the man. The conversation ended with the suicidal man receiving salvation and baptism in water and Holy Spirit. As he arose from the water, life and hope flooded his whole being and could be seen clearly by all in his eyes.

The next day, the crew evangelized the city of Graham, Texas, at their annual car show. Hundreds heard the Gospel preached and were touched and a few were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit at the car show. And the team boldly proclaimed the gospel to and prayed for many people throughout the event. I was even able to lead eight little girls to the Lord and baptize them in the Holy Spirit. After a few hours a group of us made our way to our tent for some water. As we walked, we passed a large stage with a talented band of three teenage boys playing and singing oldies from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I sang along to some classic songs, as we walked toward the tent, where we met up with Austin Rumpel. As we shared about our experiences thus far. God drew my eyes to the speakers and said, “You need to be on those speakers preaching.” I paused for a moment, turned to Austin and asked him, “Do you want to preach on stage?” He responds, “Sure, if God wants. Let’s do it.” I said, “I think He does, let’s go ask if we can have 5 minutes on stage.” The group walked over to the stage. As we approached the sound booth, I saw three men there and I pointed at one and said, “That’s the man in charge. Let’s go ask him.” I approached the man, tapped him on the shoulder and asked, “Can we have 2-5 minutes on stage to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ?” The man smiled and asked, “Are you wanting to preach on stage?” I nodded and said, “Yes sir.” He gave us a huge smile and responded, “Absolutely! You two go stand by the edge of the stage by the stairs and you can preach immediately after this song finishes.” Shocked, and not shocked, Austin and I did as we were instructed and the man did as he promised. Immediately after the song finished, he waved at his kids, approached the stage, told them the plan, and waved us up on stage. Austin started off the preaching, boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus and his testimony before handing the mic over to me. I followed suit and shared my salvation testimony followed by healing testimonies and ended with inviting the entire car show to our tent revival. After a quick bite to eat, we tried the stage again and Kris Kildosher and Brian Thompson each also boldly preached the Gospel. I will learn later that the man in charge was named Lucas and he was a strong believer in Jesus Christ. Later that night, night two, we had a great crowd at the tent and the powerful ministry continued from night one. We saw multiple water baptisms, deliverances, and rededications.

Day three started at Oasis of Grace with Austin delivering a powerful message to the congregation followed by the laying on of hands and deliverances. Everyone in attendance responded to the altar call for more received life-changing ministry.

In the evening, night three, the final night of the three-night revival. We had a beautiful mixed crowd of believers, representing multiple churches and denominations throughout the city. I had the honor of being the minister who closed out the event. At the end of service, we had an altar call and everyone stood up and rededicated their lives to Christ and asked for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. Although a majority of the room were already believers, their bold stance was a proclamation to themselves, to God, and the city that they wanted more, more of God, more of the Holy Spirit, more intimacy with God, and more power in ministry to bring in the Harvest.

Immediately after service, I asked who needed healing. A few people raised their hands and I instructed the people in attendance to pray. One woman, the wife of Lucas, the man who allowed us to go on stage at the car show, raised her hand and had total deafness in her right ear from a previous bout with Covid years earlier. And another man raised his hand because he suffered from epilepsy and severe back pain. The woman with the deaf ear completely healed and the man with epilepsy and back pain, who was trembling uncontrollably before we prayed, was delivered of a few spirits, and specifically one causing epilepsy, and completely stopped shaking.

The last night concluded with Holly Gray, our amazing friend and worship leader, who during the sermon discovered had gold dust all over her hands. A little five year old girl later approached Holly wanting prayer for her addiction to YouTube. As Holly prayed for that and the little girl to not be tormented by voices in her head and bad dreams, the little girl’s face, arms and hands were covered in gold dust.

We ended the night at Whataburger, the only restaurant in Graham, Texas opened after 10pm. There, Holly was drawn to the cashier, as she felt the Presence of Jesus and a knowing that the man had pain in his body. Our team, kids and all, prayed for him. While praying he shared he had back pain and was instantly healed.

The day we drove out of Graham, Texas, our front driver-side tire sprung a fast leak and I had to change out the tire on a country road at 102°F temperature, which I was not thrilled to do. After I changed the tire, Larry Taylor met us up and told us we should go and get the flat repaired because a spare is only meant for short distances. With Olivia, Holly, two dogs, and a Jeep packed with bags, we drove to the nearest Discount Tire to have our tire fixed. There, we countered an elderly couple and started sharing about the revival that just concluded, followed by an offer to pray. The woman shared how she grew up in revival tents as a child and gladly received prayer for her back and neck. She was instantly healed. Then we prayed for her husband’s back and shoulder and against diabetes.

Once our tire was repaired, we got back on the road home. It was a glorious weekend, seeing God move powerfully as more than eight ministries united to serve the city of Graham.

Here’s a recap of some things that happened for the group:

  • Deaf ear open
  • Epilepsy and back healed during deliverance
  • Back and neck healed (woman – Discount Tire)
  • Back healed (man – Discount Tire)
  • Back healed (man – Whataburger)
  • Allowed to minister on the main stage (Austin, Jonnathan, Kris, & Brian)
  • A man on crutches with severe diabetes and neuropathy. He had no feeling in his ankles. After prayer he felt fire in his ankles and feeling started to return.
  • Eight little girls selling water at the car show saved
  • Leg pain healed (Kelsey’s pawpaw)
  • Suicidal man saved, baptized, & spirit-filled
  • Probably ~15 total deliverances (death, suicide, jezabel, epilepsy, python, pharmakia, rejection, orphan, unworthiness)
  • Probably ~10 total baptisms
  • Many filled or freshly filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Many accurate words of knowledge
  • One alter merged
  • Holly and a 5yo girl covered in gold dust
  • Back healed (football player)
  • Shoulder pain healed (Braum’s Ice Cream)
  • Two rheumatoid arthritis
  • Motorcycle guys back healed followed with weeping as Gods presence touched him
  • A lady selling witchcraft journals started crying as she received prayer
  • An accurate word of knowledge for a guy that just had his wife leave him which led him into an encounter with God
  • A 14 year who encountered God’s presence and received salvation
  • Food allergies healed

Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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