Immediately after night three of the revival in Graham, Texas. I asked people who needed physical healing in their bodies to stand up. Two or three people stood up. I then asked the attendees to lay hands and pray. Immediately, a woman’s deaf ear opened. Then our friend Adam waved me over to assist a man. The man, who was trembling and slightly slurring his words said, “I have epilepsy because of years of drug use.” The boy with epilepsy that Jesus delivered came to my mind and I said. “Bro, this is a spirit that needs to be cast out.” I shared about the boy Jesus delivered and started the deliverance. I called out the spirit of epilepsy by name, placing my hand on the man’s stomach. The man turned his head towards me and made eye contact. Anger and rage were in his eyes as he continued to shake. I knew it was the spirit upset about being found out. I commanded the spirit to come up and out and to go to the pit. I commanded it multiple times and the man stated he felt something coming up, starting in his stomach.

With each command, the feeling moved up, eventually to his throat. He started to cough and ran into the field and coughed it up. Upon returning, I had him hold out his hands to receive a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit and noticed his hands, arms, and shoulders were no longer trembling. Not sure if that was normal, but I pointed it out. He raised up his hands, palms facing him, and said, “I’m no longer shaking!” Then burst into tears, bending down and crying on my shoulder. His wife would share that her husband is not a crier and she was astounded that he showed those emotions. Today, he is completely delivered of epilepsy and a few other symptoms. Also, with epilepsy leaving him, his back was also completely healed.


Listen to Pastor Jonnathan Zin Truong's Salvation Testimony


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