Hear what our flock is saying!
I have had the blessing of ministering many times at God Manifest. The Truongs have an amazing ability to draw together people from diverse backgrounds who share a common passion for the presence of the Lord.
Larry Taylor
God’s presence and unifying glory resides here. Each gathering just gets better and better. This is not just an ordinary church. It’s a rare gem. When you come here, you WILL encounter God in powerful ways, you WILL gain a family, and you WILL GROW in your love and faith in Jesus Christ.
Hannah Foley
God Manifest is a wonderful place where the Word of God is preached, the presence of the Lord is experienced, and Jesus Christ is glorified. I highly recommend that you come and see for yourself all that the Holy Spirit is doing in and through this awesome ministry.
Scott Windrum
Looking for a church? God Manifest Church may be exactly what you are looking for! The Word taught from scriptures, a sincere Pastor and wife, a church family and community! I wish I lived closer; I watch from Florida and never want to miss a service.
Ginae Lee Scott
Super family-oriented church. I felt so loved as soon as I walked in. Pastor Jonnathan does a great job equipping you to go out and heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead. He also quickly gives you opportunities to start stepping out.
Skylar Tolls
The home church is filled with Holy spirit filled believers. We enjoy worship, the preaching of Gods word and fellowship with all the brothers and sisters.
Billy Tran
We love being in this church, for we feel the presence of God there and encountered Him powerfully. We have witnessed spiritual and physical healing. My faith was as small as a mustard seed, and that seed has been planted and has grown to a tree and now starting to bear fruits.
Michelle Montefalcon
I wholeheartedly recommend to visit this place, get to know the congregation members and the leaders, and see if you would like to become a part of this close-knitted family. I personally believe that this place and people are like no other in the Greater Houston area, a real treasure ❤️
Pavlo Savitski
A true place of worship and genuine love from the moment of entrance!… A family of believers who honestly welcomes all and displays agape love with every encounter, no matter your circumstance…🙌🏿🙌🏿!!!
Adrian Webster
I’ve never felt so welcome and at home at a church before. This is a Holy Spirit filled environment, where Gods presence is present. I’m so thankful God led me to this church!
Josiah Foley
It’s truly a blessing to be in the midst of healing miracles, where the love of Jesus is so tangible. And hope is restored.
Robert “Bobby” West
I have to tell you that immediately I felt the love, compassion and the Spirit of truth in this place. A true meaning of what church is and what disciple making looks like. I highly recommend!
Bryant Bullard
God Manifest is such a perfect name for this place! Jonnathan and Olivia exude with love for God and His people. Every Sunday, the presence of God IS manifested in a beautiful and tangible way.
Michelle Williford
The presence of the Holy Spirit was undeniable, filling every moment of worship and the Word. This church doesn’t hold back when it comes to embracing the power of God and encouraging each member to step boldly into ministry… I highly recommend God Manifest!
David Nickle
A beautiful fellowship filled with love. I felt it before I entered through the doors. May God continue to bless and grow His church
Jenny Bennett
God Manifest and Jonnathan and Olivia are very welcoming, pure, and anointed, giving straight fire from God. The Word is preached without holding back, yet in the most encouraging and passionately loving way.
Lauren Schulz
Great ministry. They let the Holy Spirit lead each meeting, there’s an atmosphere of transparency and love. The Pastors here are open and transparent before Christ. Many healing testimonies have come from their church.
Kendia Taylor
Pastor Jonnathan and his wife have true shepherds hearts, they really are focused on getting people taught, encouraged, healed, delivered, set free, and then building a solid foundation to help these same people walk, and help others walk in an effective plan and purpose for their lives.
Rudy Lara
Each time I’ve had the privilege of stopping by God Manifest, I felt the presence of God before I was even inside. They are amazing at making Jesus the star of each service, and teaching His Word.
Adrianna Toledo
God Manifest is a bible-based church that empowers people to allow the Holy Spirit to work through them… The pastors are people after God’s own heart, and their church environment reflects just that.
Zayda Pena
What a true pleasure to worship The Lord in the freedom and Liberty Jesus afforded us! Pastors Jonnathan and Olivia’s “YES” to Jesus birthed this special and Holy Spirit filled church!
Jacob Mathai
Truly a beautiful ministry where Religion ends and a life with Jesus begins. The Holy Spirit is 100% with this place, and everyone that comes can feel him here.
Anaya Renaud
God Manifest is unique. This is a start of something big; I can feel it in my heart. I highly encourage anyone to visit or at least watch the videos to experience what I mean. Each word strikes a chord that opens your soul and helps bring you closer to God and what it means to walk the path with Jesus.
David Truong
This church is a tremendous blessing! It is filled with people who truly love God and others, and they truly live out the book of Acts, as we are all called to do. Jonnathan and Olivia are like my other set of parents. I truly love them!
Deandrea Tolls
If you’re seeking a prophetic church that deeply cares about your well-being, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this church a chance. It has been a blessing in my life, and I am confident it will be in yours too.
Gabriela Johnson-Correia
Jonnathan and Olivia are filled with so much love and are such amazing people to spend time with! God has touched me in so many ways through their ministry!
Robert Fadem
Pastors Jonnathan and Olivia are caring, compassionate, generous and anointed leaders. They are passionate about equipping God’s people for work in advancing The Kingdom of God.
Deborah Dixon
Contact us
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.