Late last Friday (January 6, 2023), a friend of Jonnathan and Olivia texted asking if they would be willing to call and pray for Jermaine, his brother’s friend, who was brain-dead in the hospital. The doctors planned to “unplug” him that afternoon. His instructions to the pastors were to call the man’s room, and a nurse would put the phone to his ear or put the call on speakerphone. The following day Jonnathan and Olivia called the number, and a woman in the room picked up. They explained why they were calling, and the woman allowed them to pray. While praying, the pastors repeatedly commanded Jermaine to wake up while releasing healing into his brain, lungs, and heart. And lastly commanded the spirit of death to leave his body. Jermaine was the fifth person who was dead or braindead their ministry had prayed for in four months. After prayer and hanging up, a group of friends visited and surrounded Jermaine’s bed and started to pray. To their shock, they saw that his eyes were open, and he seemed to be surveying the room and crying. The medical staff rushed in and confirmed that Jermaine suddenly and unexplainably had brain function. Then the next day, the doctors further confirmed that he was not only awake but alert and responsive, opening and blinking on command and crying as friends and family members visited.

God is the God who still resurrects!

Please join us in prayer for Jermaine’s full recovery!

UPDATE: January 16, 2023. Even after the resurrection, the doctors stated that Jermaine would definitely have severe brain damage and organ issues. Their dire prognosis was followed by their recommendation to allow him to pass away peacefully so he would not live the remainder of his life with around-the-clock health care. The family even sent a prayer request asking the prayer warriors to pray for Jermaine to pass away to avoid suffering. I understood the family’s concern, but instead, I prophesied to Jermaine, declaring that the doctors would check him and declare that he had zero brain damage and was on his way to full recovery. A few days later, after the declaration, I received a text message that the doctors were astounded and that Jermaine had no brain damage, perfect brain function, and responded perfectly to all tests. In addition, Jermaine’s organs were healing or were already restored. Today, the family is petitioning the doctors to release him to go home!

Please keep on praying!

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